6 Quotes & Sayings By Daniel Bell

Daniel Bell is a former Wall Street Journal reporter and author of the book, The Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism. Bell has been a visiting professor at Harvard University, a writer for the New York Times, a columnist for the Washington Post, and a commentator on NPR. He is the director of the Cultural Contradictions Project at Harvard University. One of his main interests is the impact of capitalism on culture and the consequences of capitalism's failure to evolve.

Technology, like art, is a soaring exercise of the human imagination. Art is the aesthetic ordering of experience to express meanings in symbolic terms, and the reordering of nature--the qualities of space and time--in new perceptual and material form. Art is an end in itself; its values are intrinsic. Technology is the instrumental ordering of human experience within a logic of efficient means, and the direction of nature to use its powers for material gain. But art and technology are not separate realms walled off from each other. Art employs techne, but for its own ends. Techne, too, is a form of art that bridges culture and social structure, and in the process reshapes both. . Daniel Bell
When theology erodes and organization crumbles, when the institutional framework of religion begins to break up, the search for a direct experience which people can feel to be religious facilitates the rise of cults. Daniel Bell
The intellectual takes as a starting point his self and relates the world to his own sensibilities the scientist accepts an existing field of knowledge and seeks to map out the unexplored terrain. Daniel Bell
Technology, like art, is a soaring exercise of the human imagination. Daniel Bell
I am too weary to listen, too angry to hear. Daniel Bell